Edward Kepczyk
Edward specialises in the conservation, informed repair, and creative reuse of secular and ecclesiastical buildings, including some of the country’s most significant historic sites.
RIBA Specialist Conservation Architect
RIBA Conservation Register Mentor
RIBA Conservation, Heritage and Sustainability Panel
National Churches Trust Grants Committee
Diocese of Blackburn Diocesan Advisory Committee
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A hallmark of his approach is his innate ability to understand the significance of a historic structure together with the associated issues and the techniques necessary to ensure its conservation. As a result, Edward seeks not only to ‘conserve and to make good’ but to ‘conserve and enhance’ through considering the potential to increase the environmental performance or resilience of the historic structure, ensure it remains viable by enabling continued use or new uses, or developing and delivering proposals to enhance the significance of the building or place and people’s ability to appreciate it.
Edward is a RIBA Specialist Conservation Architect, RIBA Conservation Register Mentor and member of the SPAB, Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association, and Churches Conservation Trust. Edward sits on the RIBA Conservation, Heritage and Sustainability Panel, National Churches Trust Grants Committee and Diocese of Blackburn Diocesan Advisory Committee.