
Buttress Reduces its Carbon Footprint

We’re delighted to have achieved a 17% reduction in our total carbon footprint at our studios in Manchester and Leeds. 

The reduction was achieved between 2022-2023.  We’ve also achieved a 30% carbon reduction per employee.   

Over the past 12 months, we have worked hard to reduce our carbon emissions.  We have accomplished this through a number of inhouse initiatives, as well as being conscious of our day-to-day studio practises and working out solutions on how we can improve our energy efficiencies. 

The  achievement was Certified by Planet Mark, the internationally recognised organization which awards the commitment to continuous improvement;  and the measurement and reduction of  a business' carbon emissions, energy and water consumption, travel and waste. 

Buttress first became Planet Mark certified in October 2022 as it formed part of our wider aims to be increasingly accountable and transparent in our net zero goals.   Becoming certified has enabled us to be more focused on setting further carbon reduction aims as well as scrutinizing our actions and becoming accountable for them.  This is done on an individual level activity right through to board level actions. 

Spearheading the Planet Mark certification, architectural technologist Marcus Rogers said: “This is really welcoming news, Buttress is making clear progress in reducing its carbon footprint.  This has been born out of scrutinizing all of our inhouse operations ensuring that we consider everything we do in terms of energy efficiencies and ultimately our emissions.  Above all, we’re making certain that we’ll constantly be held to account, becoming more and more sustainable and ethical each year.“

Our sustainability ambitions also include wider frameworks and accountability and we were thrilled in December to achieve B Corp accreditation.   We’re proud to have joined the growing B Corp network of purpose-driven companies which target the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and legal accountability.