Our approach

Whether working with us as a client, community, team member or peer we believe we are at our best when we approach design as a collective, collaborative process together.

We believe in the power of people's creativity to help shape a better world, to build places with meaning. 

Sustainable approaches

We recognise the privileged and responsible position we are in as built environment professionals to have a positive impact and to do good through the integrity of our actions: our actions on environmental impacts, community and social impacts, our teams and our customers.

We think that a sustainable approach to architecture in its widest sense is fundamental to every project we do. We also think it needs to be part of our every day and not ‘something else’ to have the biggest effect. This means we will speak to you about the impacts your project will have simply and as standard. 

Every small change we make helps create a better bigger picture and improves our shared environment.

macclesfield context sketch
a sketch of a 3d plan

Hear from our clients

Chris Wilson, Head of Conservation at Cadw

A community of experts

We’re thinkers as much as makers. We believe that architecture is as much about people as buildings, and that buildings should be shaped by their surroundings, their role and the people who’ll use them.

A community of specialists, people are at the heart of our business. We work with a wide variety of clients from commercial businesses, to cultural organisations, to individuals; and add value by bringing expertise and understanding. Making seemingly complex issues understandable and enjoyable.

a man in a checked shirt is describing something to a man in a pink shirt and lady in a white blouse at a consultation event
the upper floor of a food hall with cast iron structure and glazed roof
two ladies sitting at a high bar that sits in an open brick arch

Heritage is in our DNA

Our aim is to create high quality architectural solutions that respond sensitively to their context but remain unquestionably of their time - creating buildings and places that have purpose, sensibility, and appeal.

Buttress has a deep and long-held understanding and respect for the way the past and present inform the future. We are excited by places with inherent meaning and resonance. This is born from our heritage expertise and is written through our lineage and approach to all that we do. It is evidenced in our values and the way we work.

an exhibition in an old mill
a man and woman doing a presentation
samantha knights working at the harris