The apartments are designed to the HAPPI design principles, (Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation) which incorporate accessible layouts, generous internal space, high levels of daylight, private balcony space and an ability to adapt with life’s changes. The building also provides community space, a resident’s lounge, secure cycle storage and landscaped gardens.
The scheme will be exclusively for people aged over 55, creating quality later-life housing options for local people and allowing individuals to ‘right-size’ to accommodation that suits their needs, as well as being highly sustainable and energy efficient.
Fundamentally, the plans will offer a range of housing options, forty affordable rent homes and a further seven which will be shared ownership. The remaining three apartments will be used by the Manchester City Council’s Social Care team as “neighbourhood” apartments, providing local people leaving hospital a comfortable, accessible place to stay, before returning home.
Commenting on the plans, Buttress associate David Coulson said:
“This has been an exciting project to work on which prioritizes wellness in the home and embraces people’s changing living requirements as they age. In addition, our plans for the site will create much-needed, highly sustainable and affordable homes for local people, within their existing community.”
Buttress has assisted both MSV Housing and Rowlinson Construction on the scheme since their appointment in early 2021, having previously worked with Rowlinsons on The Depot housing scheme in Whalley Range, Manchester.