Social Value

Buttress supports aspiring heritage professionals

The funding will help students and young professionals develop their network within the sector.

heritage trust network logo, green geometric logo

Buttress is proud to sponsor the Heritage Trust Network’s student and youth bursary scheme at this year’s national conference.

The support will enable 10 students or young people under the age of 25 to attend the conference free of charge, and will offer a contribution towards their travel expenses. It is hoped that this support will encourage the next generation of heritage professional to develop their network and knowledge of the thriving grassroots building preservation sector.

This year’s ‘Heritage for All’ conference will be held in Hull on 3rd and 4th October at the Guildhall. The programme includes speeches, workshops and information share sessions covering topics including diversity in the built heritage sector to the role heritage can play in tackling economic decline and empowering communities.

Buttress will also be exhibiting at the conference where delegates will be able to meet members of the team to discuss our range of heritage consultancy and architectural services.

Find out more about the conference or to apply for the bursary visit:
Heritage Trust Network or contact