
Ward’s-Ivy Grove wins BSA Award

The new boarding house was noted for its design, sustainability and innovation.

exterior of wards house between two trees
wards new house terrace houses

Ward's-Ivy Grove at Wycliffe College has been recognised by the Boarding Schools' Association (BSA) with the Boarding Extension / Refurbishment Award.

The Boarding Schools Association is the United Kingdom association serving and representing member boarding schools, training staff and promoting boarding education in both independent and state boarding schools. The award was presented to Wycliffe College at the BSA Annual Conference for Heads in front of an audience made up of delegates from the UK's leading independent schools.

Set within the Wycliffe College's Cotswolds estate, Ward's-Ivy Grove replaces and brings together a boys' house and a girls' house into a single, flexible and modern mixed-use boarding housing for more than 80 students.

Central to the design has been the integration of a flexible room module, developed to help the school respond to a changing boarder profile. The core room module and furniture configuration can be adapted from two single rooms to either a twin, quad-flexi, or accessible room, or visa-versa, allowing the school to adapt to annual variations in pupil gender, age, and type of boarder.

Social and shared spaces have been accommodated both at the heart of the plan and throughout the floor levels, while two apartments and two bedsits provide accommodation for the boarding house’s male and female houseparent’s and assistants at apposing ends of the building.

Externally, the design is a contemporary interpretation of the historic Georgian and Victorian limestone and brick buildings that are found both on the site and the surrounding area of Stroud. This design response is reflected in the scale, massing, vertical window proportions and the external materials chosen, with a contrasting selection of light buff multi coloured brickwork with deep window reveals lined with cast Portland stone, and contrasting dark zinc roofing.