
Ancoats Dispensary starts on site

Work has officially started on the £10 million redevelopment of Grade II listed former Ancoats Dispensary into affordable homes.

Ancoats Dispensary

Built in 1874 to provide healthcare for the city’s growing population, the building was in use until 1989 but has been vacant since then. As a result, the building has experienced extensive deterioration and what remains of the existing structure is in a poor condition.

The project, which is being delivered for Great Places, will involve the restoration and redevelopment of the site to create 39 affordable apartments. The approach to the restoration focuses on preserving the Old Mill Street and Lampwick Lane facades to protect as much as the building's heritage and legacy as possible.

At the rear of the building, the footprint will be extended and a small modern rooftop extension will be introduced, which will step back from Old Mill Street to allow the central tower to be the main focus of the design.

The scheme is the first project in a new, coordinated phase of development by Great Places, Manchester City Council and Manchester Life. Also included within this phase is Ancoats Mobility Hub and residential schemes Eliza Yard and Downley Drive – all of which are being delivered by the practice. Together they will create more than 200 new homes as well as new community facilities.